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Valentina's Sk8 to Elimin8 Cancer 2024 Fundraising Page
Valentina Holman
Valentina Holman
When we come together, we can make a difference!
Please help me HONOR those that we know that have been impacted by cancer. I joined this campaign to help raise funds for advanced, innovative research through the Scott Hamilton CARES Foundation. Your donation provides vital funding for innovative cancer research. I will travel to Santa Rosa, CA and perform as part for this campaign to raise awareness and funds to fight cancer. Please join me in this mission as when we unite our power to create change is unstoppable! And please come watch us skate if you can! xo, THANK YOU
Please help me HONOR those that we know that have been impacted by cancer. I joined this campaign to help raise funds for advanced, innovative research through the Scott Hamilton CARES Foundation. Your donation provides vital funding for innovative cancer research. I will travel to Santa Rosa, CA and perform as part for this campaign to raise awareness and funds to fight cancer. Please join me in this mission as when we unite our power to create change is unstoppable! And please come watch us skate if you can! xo, THANK YOU