My Eagle River, AK Sk8 to Elimin8 Cancer 2025 Fundraising Page
Eiley Kosbruk
Eagle River, AK Sk8 to Elimin8 Cancer 2023
Eagle River, AK Sk8 to Elimin8 Cancer 2023
Eagle River, AK Sk8 to Elimin8 Cancer 2023
With heartfelt gratitude, Eiley sends her praise for all your wonderful donations, which not only supports the Scott Hamilton CARES Foundation but also nourishes her spirit! Thank you for being a hero and donating to her crowdfunding campaign! Eiley's current laps 1. Leann Mack 2. Nana Kalmakoff honoring Harry Jr. and mom Lillian. 3. Michelle Davis 4. Dolly Ann Trefon 5. Gerda Kosbruk honoring all who have passed on and the ones that made it through the disease. 6. Jacqualine Schaeffer 7. Marissa Vinberg honoring her Grandma Martha. 8. John Godfrey 9. Christina Salmon honoring John Bringhurst. 10. Lisa Henry 11. Evelynn Trefon honoring her grandmothers Irene and Patricia. 12. Grandma & Grandpa - grandma Bernice & uncle Glen 13. Audrey, JR & Kids 14. Trevor Borenin 15. Curt Kosbruk 16. Danae Bee honoring her grandfather Robert Folkerts. 17. Toni Christensen - Tell Eiley to skate the lap for her and all her hard work and for the O'Domin Family. 18. Amber & Brett 19. Priscilla Skonberg - honor my mother Minnie Skonberg who passed away from pancreatic cancer in 2021. 20. Gina McKindy - honoring Wanda Wilson. 21. Jeran Pelagio - honoring your Auntie Juanita who passed away last year from cancer.